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Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Yes, apparentely I take blogging request!

Note the photo:  This is Cheryl, my oldest & crankiest friend.  Sometimes she gives me an order and I feel compelled to obey.  Not sure why.  She only stands about five -foot- nothing, and given her age.....I'm guessing the 'nothing' is fairly accurate.  She probably only pushes 100 pounds after a heavy meal.  She's a vegetarian, so I don't even know if there is such a thing as a heavy meal on her list of menu's, unless she eats 10 pounds of potatoes in one sitting.  Hmmmm, where was I?  Oh yeah, she's tiny and very mild-mannered so there isn't much about her that would intimidate most people, but  I know her well enough she scares the crap out of me.  

Let me toss out an example.  Several years ago Cheryl attended a town meeting in the little community she's lived in for practically a hundred years, and for reasons I've since forgotten,  she was extremely, EXTREMELY angry with the town board.  She did the only logical thing (to her) possible.  She made a FOR SALE sign and placed it on the front lawn of her home and proceeded to check out other options.  She was mad so options could have included the possibility of building a houseboat,  (Yes, she really does build things, but that's another story.) and living on a small lake.  Now, picture this.....the for sale sign is up and her poor unsuspecting husband arrives home from work.   We all know most men would have gone ballistic if their wives made an executive decision like that without being forewarned.  But, did her man, Richard?  No he did not!  (My hero!)  He takes the whole thing in stride.....I'm guessing because he's been well conditioned to her eccentric behavior over the years....and listened to the plans she was  already making of moving to a nearby town that didn't have a town board.  In fact, the town barely had any residents.  I'm guessing out of 10 buildings maybe two were actually inhabited.  The inhabitants wouldn't even had to be human.  She likes animals so 4 legged homeowners would've have caused her too even blink.   So, there they settled, happy as a couple of screwballs,  in their fine home surrounded by green fields and a few quirky neighbors.  Oh, the neighbors apparently are the two-legged type.  Whew!

Back to the reason I'm composing this blog.  I've gone several days since last writing one because I haven't had anything to say.  However, Cheryl likes to read comics and other nonsense while having her morning coffee and  I guess I fit her criteria for easy morning perusing so she basically ordered me to quit fooling around with the junk I've been putting on my blog page and write something.  

So Cheryl, my little buddy.......this is for you because I never like to disappoint you.  You are a great blogging character  and not near as scary as I made you sound.  No,  wrong.  You really are!

1 comment:

  1. I am just glad someone got you going again, but Cheryl is much nicer than you make her sound.
    I do have to admit that I have been coming on here to see what you have added...... I really like the MY GUY.... you should give him some credit for getting you that fancy new lap top!!!
