Today I toss that question out for consideration. Something I dare say, I've given quite a lot of thought to just recently as another old friend has had not one, but both knees replaced. Ooooh, and I just posed another question to myself. Why suddenly are all my old friends......old? When did that happen? Anyway, back to the knees.
Yesterday my friend, Diann (yeah, an old one) had her latest and hopefully last knee operated on. I say hopefully, because it was her 2nd knee and unless she's going to pull out some sort of really weird body part....it should be the final one. It seems she had just barely recuperated from her first knee being replaced just a few short months ago and even though the pain of healing was excruciating, she still elected to go through with the necessary operation on her 2nd (AND last) knee. That's what constant and agonizing pain over heaven knows how many hears has cost her. I put the blame of knee deterioration just too much housework. Seriously, being a super clean housekeeper is deadly to your well-being and health. I might add; I'm in great health and my knees are wonderful. Thank you. Well, age may have caused them to be a bit knobby and more than a little wrinkled, however, I have figured out what to do about the wrinkles. At the rate I'm becoming fluffier, those wrinkles should smooth out and all but vanish in another year or two. The knobbliness (excuse me, not sure that's a word), I think it may be up to the Supreme Being who decided knobby knees are okay. I'm sure if we passed the word to Paris Hilton that "knobby" is the newest and trendiest fad, she'd be dialing her plastic surgeon in quick order. All because of old kids like me
So, back to Diann.....that's her above. I've discovered friends are VERY critical of pictures I flash around of them, so I've also added one of her with her husband Snow. Snow's a guy, so I could probably tack a butt shot of him here and he wouldn't care. He'd likely only growl if I posted a picture of his beloved motorcycle with a flake of dirt on it.
Where was this story going? Oh yeah, would one prefer two brand new knees to finish out their live on or take chances with the ones you have, despite a creak or two when you get out of bed in the morning? I think I'll wait on nature too smooth my wrinkly knees out.
Diann, if you read this......recover soon. In the meantime, here's something to think about:

Aren't I good to you?
cute I hope diann likes it
ReplyDeleteOkay, do I have to have my knee replaced for you to get me one of those too? Sign me up!!!!
ReplyDeleteI am really proud of Aunt Diann for doing this. It would be really hard to get one knee replaced, let alone another one when the pain from the first one is still so fresh.
You will be happy to know that mam and both of her bionic knees are doing well. I saw her in the Hospital and she is herself, only slower...lol. Love you Aunt Kay.
ReplyDeleteP.S. Based on your fluffy theory I have come up with a new name for myself. Marshmallow fluff, Im white, sweet and delicious. Or is that DeeLicious?