We have spent a lot of kitchen time together through out the years, and I'd like to think the dishes we prepared together and the desserts that were baked helped build the enthusiasm she still has cooking and trying new dishes. Her lucky parents often drive home from work exhausted, and walk through the door greeted by odors from the kitchen. A sure sign another home cooked meal was at the ready, lovingly prepared by Hali!
She no longer enjoys doing dishes, as she once did.....as illustrated in the other photo. No, this wasn't a set-up for a photo op. She really did like to have a towel wrapped around her skirt (apron, you see) and another dishtowel around her head. I'm not sure what that look was about, but with flowers shoved in for good measure. Well.....how could I argue with cuteness? Standing on a chair to do cleanup is no longer fun, but hey! It was grand while it lasted!
She has also donned a tool belt to repair things around the house with her grandpa (of course I have a picture or two of that.....somewhere), gardened with me and could name flowers when she was just a little whippersnapper, scrapbooked and oil painted pictures. We did it all. She learned to operate (aka play) a computer on her grandpa's knee and read the newspaper with
We don't see much of her anymore, although she stays in touch almost daily by phone. She has school activities, a part-time job and tons of friends to spend time with. I hope some of those interest that were nurtured here with us will stay with her, or at least remain a happy memory. Right now I have a jig-saw puzzle started I could sure use her help with!
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