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Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Can 'old kids' have growning pains?

I have detected something different going on.  I think it must have started sometime when I hit the 60 year mark.  In human years, not dog years.  Everything I read seems to point to the fact I have escalated beyond the golden title of "senior citizen", which for some undefinable reason starts at 55.  Remember when 55 seemed young?  It still seems young to me, but since I passed the medicare age, anything under 62 seems young.  I still feel relatively youthful ("relative"  being the key word here,) but, since selective hearing, memory and....yes, let's face it....selective ability to reason seems to go hand in hand with aging,  I may have forgotten what feeling young actually felt like.  In my minds eye I'm hanging in there pretty well,  as long as I don't catch a fleeting glance in a mirror or attempt to barrel out of bed too fast.  Oh, not even going to try to kid anyone on that last statement.  I haven't barrelled out of bed, out of my chair, out of the way, or out of anything else in a very long time without getting a head rush, vertigo or a desire to curl back in bed in a fetal position.

I seriously do not have a problem with getting older.  My rather youthful minded husband can attest to that as well as my closest and dearest friends.  That would mostly be Cheryl and Diann who both are along on my selective youthful-minded-quest along with me.  Both would say they're much younger than me, but at this stage in life,  unless you're 11 years younger, it really doesn't count.  That senior citizen thing, you know.  I do have a problem with what appears to be growing pains.

Remember the growing pains of your youth when physically, your body was changing, stuff growing too quickly and the brain has just sort of turned to mush because you thought you knew it all but found out later you basically knew nothing?  Yeah!  That feeling!  That's what I have.  Growing pains that make a lot of used and unused parts of my body just howl for absolutely no reason that I can fathom.  The brain?  Same thing as....roughly, the teen years when I thought I knew stuff than found out I didn't.  Yep!  Right back there again.  I believe I had about 4 years, 3 months and a few hours of being on top of my game than....bam.  I became a senior citizen.  Before I had time to adjust to that.....along with the idea there were real parking places in front of stores, next to handicap parking,  designated for those 55 year and up youngsters.  I remember when I was too embarrassed to park in one of those spots even though I qualified.  It was for OLD PEOPLE for heavens sake!

Well, now I'm a certified, card carrying  (medicare card) older kid, and  I don't want nor do I appreciate having any growing pains.  I just want to hang out with my guy, also an old kid, and do what we happily do without any distractions like those gawd awful growing pains.  For one thing, anything that follows THESE growing pains can't be good!  If your last round of growing pains happen in your "twilight years,"  what follows after twilight?  Sunrise?  Don't think so.  I believe it's time these two 'kids' thought about getting their affairs in order.  But
not to soon, we're still playing at....well....what old kids play at.


  1. I think we need to worry more when we stop having growing pains......

  2. You're my role model, Kay. If in a few years I have both your sense of humor and sensibilities, I'll be doing better than I ever imagined I would. :)) This getting old is hard for aging hippies, isn't it?
