Computers existed in my world for a very long time as a necessary evil. I did what I needed to do on them in the work force, and when you spend a lot of time working with numbers, you're talking boring. Mind-numbing boredom. The "please, just kill me now," kind of tediousness. After a day of watching a blinking cursor (back when they were REALLY annoying) happy hour didn't include rushing home for more of the same.
It was only after I retired ten years ago (alright, ALRIGHT! I didn't retire....I just got really ticked off and quit!) the home compute became something more than a machine that required regular dusting. I began to notice my house partner/husband seemed to enjoy the computer. He even seemed to be having fun.....so I started hanging over his shoulder to see some new wonders of the cyberworld. No, not porn.....but a game called Tetris. Tetris was my downfall. I started playing it and became obsessed. Hours and hours flew by while my eyes blurred and crossed playing that primitive game. Dust not only collected on everything in the house except the keyboard my fingers touched. Meals consisted of whatever could be tossed together while a tetris block fell. The dishes piled up, laundry turned to dust, the dog whimpered over her empty food dish and I think, all though it's never been proven.....my husband may have left me for a year or two. The seasons changed without any notice from me and the phone went unanswered. Ok, that last one is an exaggeration. I've never met a phone call I didn't like....unless it's a telemarketer. I'll even talk to politicians. Hmmmmm, let me get back on track. Oh yes, the computer.
So, my computer savy hubby decided he had to redirect my limited computer skills to other technical venues. He knew a challenge was in the making, but he's a brave fella who will try anything. I probably should inject a bit about his computerization. (Did I make up a word?) He burst forth out of his mothers womb toting a PC. Well, maybe it was only an idea of what he thought the future held. He's always been the ultimate gizmo/gadget guy and I remember his first stirring of wanting his own computer came about when one computer took up a large room. He'd ramble on about mega things, kilo dingies, and other thingamajigs and what they'd same day be able to do until my eyes would glaze over and I'd put my head on auto-pilot so it would nod at him every 24 seconds. His spiels would sometimes get terribly long!
My foray into computerlanddom zipped past typing in numbers to electronic mail. Woo hoo! No more postage stamps! Not that I ever used a lot of stamps because my correspondence chip was always rather small. (And I blog?) Than I became friends with Mr. Google and Ask Jeeves. Bouncing back and forth between the two of them made me feel a bit like I was cheating on one or the other, so I settled on Mr. Google and have been faithful every since for any of my browsing needs. And some days, my needs are many. Keeps my spam filter busy.
My life took on a complete and total change when I discovered, SOCIAL NETWORKING.
That's another story I'll continue another day. Right now I think I need to throw the laundry out and let my computer cool down.
you have a way with words.
ReplyDeleteNo.... I think Dad has a special way with words......
ReplyDeleteThis was so cute.... thanks for bringing a good laugh to my day!!!