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Sunday, August 23, 2009

"Do You Tweet?" Nope, can't even do a decent chirp....

Things are absolutely changing too fast! I say this because...well, I've gotten old for one thing...but mostly because technology is zipping along and leaving me in the realm of 'non-zippers.' My extra smart 1st husband (see sidebar) is a "Zipper" as are my two daughters and grandchildren. My guy has always been intrigued by the cutting edge of technology. He's even mentally cut into technology on things like solar energy and home computers long before they were around...or at least known by the general public. Yeah, he's one of those smart kind of guys. I've never been on the cutting edge of anything....I tend to tip-toe around anything new or suggested, give it a weary eye and take the leap when I get shoved. Here's where I'm going; and you knew it was somewhere:

I've been asked on a fairly regular basis by even perfect strangers if I Twitter. Okay, first of all, it's hard to give a straight answer to a question that just makes you giggle. "Twitter"? Really? Why is it Twitter? Why not "Purr"? Or "Fart"? Maybe "Neigggghhhh"? But, a bird? Why? Secondly, why would you care what relatives, friends and mostly strangers are doing any given moment of the day? I find myself boring on a fairly consistent basis, so why would I possibly believe anyone.....including my loved ones...would care about me announcing to the public at large (again....strangers) that I was doing the laundry, or going to the store. Come on world! Isn't this giving people license to be even more boring than the majority of us are to start with? Do I care that actor Ashton Kutcher is on Letterman, leaning into the camera, looking me straight in the eye and encouraging me to become one of his millions of Twitter followers? He's cute and seems like a nice guy. Even an entertaining one....but, really I don't care to know what he's doing every day of his life. If he's hanging with George Clooney or Tom Selleck, than yeah....maybe....but, what are the chances?

Well, even though I don't get the whole Twitter revolution thing I have now officially been dragged to the Twitter world. My house chum and oldest daughter took me through the steps and I'm now one of the zillions of brain dead Twitters who "tweet." Sort of. So far I've only tweeted in response to my daughters Twitter observation about her three year old daughter. I came back with "I'd love to make a tent out of pillows." It's there if you or any strangers you know would like to log on to "Twitter", follow me and get THAT scoop.

In the meantime, I thing I'll head back to Facebook and join some of my new, sight unseen friends and see what those strangers are up to.

Visting isn't what it used to be. This is with our friends Snow and Diann this summer. Were we "Twittering?" I dare say we weren't!

P.S. Oh, if anyone reading this "Tweets", feel free to follow me!